Professor Jim Gallagher will deliver a lecture on 'What happens after a No Vote?'

Professor Jim Gallagher will deliver a lecture on 'What happens after a No Vote?'




The potential consequences of a vote for independence have been much argued about, but less attention has been given to the consequences of a No vote. Professor Jim Gallagher will argue that it will mean more than just a rejection of a separate state, but that for the first time Scots have democratically endorsed the Union. He will discuss what it means in terms of more powers for the Scottish Parliament, and for the UK as a whole. He will argue that the UK needs to do more than just deliver on promised powers, but cannot simply revert to 'business as usual'.  It needs instead to review its whole territorial constitution in the light of the referendum. In the same way, Scottish politics cannot simply return to a pre-referendum state. Something profound will have changed, but the Scottish polity remains weak and too constitutionally focussed. Jim will make proposals for strengthening the devolved polity's capacity to deal with public policy questions.

Date:                     Monday 8th September, 2014

Time:                     18:00-19:30

Venue:                Lecture Theatre 2, Boyd Orr Building, University of Glasgow

Jim Gallagher is a Visiting Professor at the Law School, University of Glasgow and a Fellow of Nuffield College, University of Oxford. He is co-author of Scotland's Choices (with Iain McLean and Guy Lodge) published by Edinburgh University Press. During the referendum, Jim has been working for the Better Together Campaign.

This event has been arranged by Policy Scotland and is free and open to anyone but registration is essential.

Please register by clicking on the link below:

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