Alan Rodger Postgraduate Visiting Researcher 2017/18

Alan Rodger Postgraduate Visiting Researcher 2017/18

The Alan Rodger Endowment at the University of Glasgow invites applications for the post of Alan Rodger Postgraduate Visiting Researcher, tenable for one semester at the University of Glasgow School of Law, during the 2017/18 academic year. The successful applicant will reside in Glasgow for the duration of the post, and will receive full access to the physical and electronic resources of the University’s libraries, as well as a stipend of £2,000. No duties are required, though the successful applicant will be invited, if he or she wishes, to speak to students, or at staff seminars. The Endowment was established in memory of Alan Ferguson Rodger, Lord Rodger of Earlsferry (1944–2011). Lord Rodger, a graduate of the University of Glasgow, was an eminent advocate and judge, and served as Lord President of the Court of Session, Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, and Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. He was also a distinguished scholar of Roman law and legal history.

The successful applicant will be working towards a Ph.D. (or equivalent research doctorate) in Roman law or legal history, and will not have earned a Ph.D. (or equivalent research doctorate), nor attained a permanent academic appointment, by the time he or she takes up residence in Glasgow. Within the broad fields of Roman law or legal history, any subject is acceptable, but please be aware that the successful applicant is expected to conduct research in areas where the resources of the University of Glasgow may profitably serve. Good facility with spoken English is desirable but not required. Candidates from the University of Glasgow are not eligible.

Applicants should submit:

  • a cover letter;
  • a curriculum vitae; and
  • a piece of written work (5,000 – 10,000 words).

The cover letter should give (1) the applicant’s name, postal address, and email address; (2) the expected date of completion of the doctorate; (3) a description of the applicant’s area of research (ca. 500–1,000 words); and (4) the names, and contact details, of two persons who are willing to serve as referees. Applicants should not submit references themselves, nor ask their referees to supply them. Applications will be reviewed by an academic panel.

Please submit the materials electronically to Prof E. Metzger at, with the subject line ‘Alan Rodger PVR’. The deadline for submission is 10 February 2017.

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